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Polish Ventilation Association
Drukuj Powrót
Our objective is to develop and promote initiatives, attitudes and activities encouraging development of the ventilation industry.
We generalise the application of efficient and effective methods of ventilation in the building industry.
We propagate the knowledge of air quality in buildings, aiming at improvement of public consciousness of adequate ventilation.
We provide organisational and material support to individuals and corporate entities entering upon such activities.
As well, an objective of the Association is to disseminate moral standards in the environment of the ventilation industry.
We popularise the knowledge of ventilation and internal air quality through publications in the media, participation in training, seminars, development of own publications.
The Association operates by virtue of regulations of the act - The law on associations and its bylaws and from there it derives its legal status.
Activities of the Association cover the territory of the Republic of Poland. In order to implement its goals properly, it may also operate outside the borders of the Republic of Poland.
The Association may be a member of domestic and international organisations having similar objectives.
What we offer to our Customers
Assistance in solving problems with ventilation may be obtained from the Association such as:
- expert advice
- information on methods of ventilation of buildings
- technical opinion and expert`s report to be prepared on order
The Association organises specialist training with regard to ventilation.
The most important event is the "Ventilation Forum" - the meeting of professionals of ventilation and air conditioning industry, which takes place in Warsaw once a year. Particular information is available at
The Association is a publisher of magazine CYRKULACJE which is directed to the professionals of ventilation and air conditioning industry.
Services that we provide to members of the Association
- We organise regular meetings of members of the Association.
- We coordinate activities and represent working groups of the Association handling individual product groups.
- We are a go-between in contacts among persons and institutions seeking advice in the area of ventilation.
- We render access to the information gathered and facilitate sharing of experience in the area of ventilation.
- We offer preferential conditions of participation in training and seminars organised by us.
- We provide assistance in the arrangements for market research.
- We represent the ventilation industry in activities aimed at unification of the ventilation standard and bringing it into agreement with the regulations of the European Union.
- We represent the ventilation industry in activities aimed at changing the law and provisions regulating application of ventilation.
- We promote members of the Association on our Web page and in our instructive materials.
How to become a member of the Association
A member of the Association may be a natural person.
Pursuant to the Polish law, Companies may become supporting members of the Association.
The Association awards honorary membership of the Association to persons having merit for the ventilation industry.
Particular questions should be addressed to
Our supporting members
Our people
President - Rafał Finster
Vice President - Arkadiusz Dragun
Vice President - Grzegorz Grygier
Vice President - Leszek Targowski
Managing Director - Tomasz Trusewicz -
Stowarzyszenie Polska Wentylacja
ul. Wiśniowa 40B lok. 6
02-520 Warszawa
tel./fax (+48 22) 542 43 14